3 day binges do NOT always make you a better writer

Hence the reason my blog will soon be under construction for a few days, weeks? Not sure yet of the times, but I do know a lot of this drunk rambling is getting cut. I'm going to keep it in journal style and combine the entries into one page. For example I'm working on the…

Total Eclipse of My Sanity?

PT 1 - A FEW DAYS AGO I just don't know what is wrong with me this week. I'm not sure if it's the upcoming eclipse, some astrological configuration that is fucking with me, PMS, hell maybe I did end up getting knocked up? All I know is I've been extremely depressed, short tempered and…

Buy me a drink, sing me a song

Take me when I come cuz I can't stay long... Tom Petty Ahh love sweet love! Definitely a great way to stop feeling so miserable... Technically it's more of a lust thing. I know I love the guy I always have but it is too soon to say " in love " Either way sex…

To sleep, perchance to dream?

It's not my usual lyrical song quote but still quite famous and rather fitting for the post. It's Shakespeare I believe, Hamlet maybe? Not that I have ever been a Shakespeare fan. When it comes to classical literature I am only knowledgeable about what has made its way into books and movies I loved. I…

In the end, this will all becomes another memory

Random memories, important firsts, updates on life and continued sexual frustration Interesting fact about me. I have a super good memory for important dates. Birthdays, anniversaries, important events and random memories... for whatever reason I am great about knowing shit like the fact yesterday was 30 years since I lost my virginity. Today is an…

Soundtracks to my life

What's your all-time favorite album? Another example of my indecisiveness and fear of commitment. I can't even choose just one favorite album 😂 Of course that's because I love so many different albums that I can't even begin to choose just one! There's songs that make me think of people, places, moments of my life…