Who’s the Horrible Person?

Oh yeah,  that would be me. A few days ago I have been told that quite a few times today on Reddit and whatnot. Oh and I make really bad decisions. Really really bad decisions. Case in point, the BF. I love him to death and I am not sorry for doing this. I knew…

3 day binges do NOT always make you a better writer

Hence the reason my blog will soon be under construction for a few days, weeks? Not sure yet of the times, but I do know a lot of this drunk rambling is getting cut. I'm going to keep it in journal style and combine the entries into one page. For example I'm working on the…

I’ll be watching you

How do you use social media? Obviously to stalk the objects of my affection. Well. Whichever one I love that day. But hell yes, the internet has made it easy to keep up with my beloved and check in on their friends and family and location. It's a lot more fun than when I was…

When I see you on the other side

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind. Through the coolest haze of this dreamlike mazeIt has begunAnd all I wanted you nearWith these wounds I bled, a perfect tone of redIn isolationThrough the swollen eyesOf the dying and my waking dreamsWe're all dying to become what we swore we never would Strung…

Nothin’ left to do at night…But go crazy on you

Wild man's world is cryin' in painWhat you gonna do when everybody's insane?So afraid of one who's so afraid of youWhat you gonna do?Heart "Crazy on You" I do love being right! I know that I mentioned that the BF and I have been in several fights over the years. We both like to be…

Total Eclipse of My Sanity?

PT 1 - A FEW DAYS AGO I just don't know what is wrong with me this week. I'm not sure if it's the upcoming eclipse, some astrological configuration that is fucking with me, PMS, hell maybe I did end up getting knocked up? All I know is I've been extremely depressed, short tempered and…