Soundtracks to my life

What's your all-time favorite album? Another example of my indecisiveness and fear of commitment. I can't even choose just one favorite album 😂 Of course that's because I love so many different albums that I can't even begin to choose just one! There's songs that make me think of people, places, moments of my life…

I used to be somebody…

What I used to think was me is just a fading memoryI looked him right in the eye and said, "Goodbye"NIN "DOWN IN IT" Shit is getting serious right about now if I'm quoting NIN... Yep, its full scale self destruction mode. I'm moving on from the anger and aggression of Strung Out to the…

Life gets boring after 40

What are you doing this evening? My evening routine is always the same. Laying on the couch or my bed if hubby is home TV on in background Reading - usually something along the lines of Fantasy/Supernatural books, preferably YA style - or books that 15 yr old girls read as a friend of mine…