Who’s the Horrible Person?

Oh yeah,  that would be me. A few days ago I have been told that quite a few times today on Reddit and whatnot. Oh and I make really bad decisions. Really really bad decisions. Case in point, the BF. I love him to death and I am not sorry for doing this. I knew…

Total Eclipse of My Sanity?

PT 1 - A FEW DAYS AGO I just don't know what is wrong with me this week. I'm not sure if it's the upcoming eclipse, some astrological configuration that is fucking with me, PMS, hell maybe I did end up getting knocked up? All I know is I've been extremely depressed, short tempered and…

How do I get myself into this shit?

I have not a brain in my head For real. I don't know what to say honestly, I just don't even understand what I was thinking with this last one. I did it. I am officially a cheater. No hiding behind the whole emotional affair bullshit, this is a full blown affair now. I still…

How fickle is woman

Oh Rhett, you are the standard for the man of my dreams Stories from your local Whore of Babylon I've been a bad bad girl. I decided that it was just not complicated enough to be in a marriage that is over and involved with the one person that has the ability to break my…

Fuck it. Just fuck it all

I don't know what is wrong with me or what I could have done different so that all this fuckin shit would just be over. I wish I could tell you that this past year has not been a great big disaster, an entire year of wasted time and wasted intentions. After the latest holiday…