Fucking bastard

That asshole, arrogant, pretentious, condescending fucking prick. Fuck him. Yep. First of the many many mistakes that I have made in my choices of partners. The infamous and much blogged about fucker that I considered my first love, my weakness, my true love, love of my life, my favorite mistake and etc etc Again he…

Who’s the Horrible Person?

Oh yeah,  that would be me. A few days ago I have been told that quite a few times today on Reddit and whatnot. Oh and I make really bad decisions. Really really bad decisions. Case in point, the BF. I love him to death and I am not sorry for doing this. I knew…

Total Eclipse of My Sanity?

PT 1 - A FEW DAYS AGO I just don't know what is wrong with me this week. I'm not sure if it's the upcoming eclipse, some astrological configuration that is fucking with me, PMS, hell maybe I did end up getting knocked up? All I know is I've been extremely depressed, short tempered and…

Can’t hide those lying eyes

Lyrics and title inspired by the classic song by The Eagles "Lyin Eyes" City girls just seem to find out earlyHow to open doors with just a smileA rich old man and she won't have to worryShe'll dress up all in lace and go in style That's me. Going out in style. Here's the truth.…

How fickle is woman

Oh Rhett, you are the standard for the man of my dreams Stories from your local Whore of Babylon I've been a bad bad girl. I decided that it was just not complicated enough to be in a marriage that is over and involved with the one person that has the ability to break my…