Reddit Question

My Brilliant Response

Additional thoughts and observations

I post under many different Reddit accounts. My record for getting the account deleted is 48 hours. I tried to be sorta nice in this response. Not that most people on Reddit are usually the forgiving and supportive assortment of internet users. Quora ppl are much nicer and less judgemental on certain subjects 😉

Dates with the Ex

This is hard to advise without details on the breakup and the current status of relationship. As I said, some dates are almost guaranteed to end up with sex. Some are just usual human curiosity and they want to just catch up. Others maybe want to make amends for the shitty circumstances of breakup. Some guys just want a quick and easy hook up. It’s hard to predict.

My best advice is to make sure you are on the same page before you get together. Know what you are heading into, don’t let it blindside you when he he tells you that he’s getting married and wanted to tell you in person. Or that he’s finally realized that you are the girl he loves and wants to marry.

After you have figured out what he wants or have a good idea. Then you have to decide if you’re willing to meet on those terms. Can you handle the just friends who are meeting for lunch thing? Do you want to go have wild sex and then not talk for another few months or even years? Do you want to see him, to try again?

This is where I can tell you no more…

Only you can make the choice if you want to see them again. Only you can decide what it means if you do or you don’t. If it’s everything that they called, or means nothing in the long run… If it will help you or if it will only hurt you more to see the person again.

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