Can’t hide those lying eyes

Lyrics and title inspired by the classic song by The Eagles "Lyin Eyes" City girls just seem to find out earlyHow to open doors with just a smileA rich old man and she won't have to worryShe'll dress up all in lace and go in style That's me. Going out in style. Here's the truth.…

To sleep, perchance to dream?

It's not my usual lyrical song quote but still quite famous and rather fitting for the post. It's Shakespeare I believe, Hamlet maybe? Not that I have ever been a Shakespeare fan. When it comes to classical literature I am only knowledgeable about what has made its way into books and movies I loved. I…

Angry and Loud

What is your favorite genre of music? This one is almost too easy As anyone who has read any posts may have noticed, currently my favorite go-to band is Strung Out. I guess that would be punk? Metal? Hard Rock? Surfer punk as i always called it? Whatever, you wanna call it. I guess any…

A year later…

Looking back I started blogging again about a year ago. I initially wanted to start a podcast, I thought that might be easier than writing. Wrong!! Recording my thoughts was a disaster. I thought editing blogs was bad, shit, it's nothing compared to trying to edit voice recordings. So I ditched the first blog but…