Just one?

What is one word that describes you? I can hardly narrow down a single letter that encompasses all the words to describe me, let alone choose one word! Epic fail on this writing prompt my friends at WordPress. Anyone who can narrow down their personality with one word is not my kind of person Snobby?…

Twas the night before… the Apocalypse!!

Kidding. Unfortunately 😉 Twas the night before Christmas 🎄 And all through the house 🏡 All the demons were fiending 😈Drugs were their vice ⚖️ Hmmm.  That's pretty damn poetic in my opinion. Maybe writing poetry is going to be my new fantasy career? A new get rich quick scheme for 2023? Maybe this is it!?! I'll…

Straight to hell… Just like my momma said…

Another Super Fucking Fun Sunday blog! Honestly, nah. It's probably going to be a relatively uneventful post all things considered. Have finished up with my revised entries from the other blog. There wasn't much other content worth publishing and the posts were getting repetitive. Even I can only handle so much of my whining and…