Fuck it. Just fuck it all

I don't know what is wrong with me or what I could have done different so that all this fuckin shit would just be over. I wish I could tell you that this past year has not been a great big disaster, an entire year of wasted time and wasted intentions. After the latest holiday…

A year later…

Looking back I started blogging again about a year ago. I initially wanted to start a podcast, I thought that might be easier than writing. Wrong!! Recording my thoughts was a disaster. I thought editing blogs was bad, shit, it's nothing compared to trying to edit voice recordings. So I ditched the first blog but…

How I hate this game…

Fucking men will be the death of me. Or at least my sanity Of course the man most annoying me right now is the beloved and ever frustrating side bitch aka the arrogant pretentious, moody asshole first love. So talking to the fucker tonight as usual. Nothing serious or important, all was fine in our…

Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day!!

So had this big, long post going over on Reddit and the damn battery died before I finished and posted. It was one of those posts in the unsent letter community.  Of course it was to my SB, which now stands for Side Bitch along with Stupid Bastard and Stubborn Asshole. I like that better…