Say it ain’t so

Age brings Wisdom ... yeah right! I am beginning to really doubt my intelligence. I'm one of those smart people who are good with books and history, but common sense? Pffft my ass got skipped over on that shit I just keep getting myself in deeper and deeper with the bullshit. I spent a few…

What in the hell am I doing?

How can I still be so completely fucking stupid after all these years? What is wrong with me that no matter what I do I am always fucking up my life in some way? I'm sure you're all wondering what the hell I'm raving on about. Well loyal readers and followers of my path of…

To sleep, perchance to dream?

It's not my usual lyrical song quote but still quite famous and rather fitting for the post. It's Shakespeare I believe, Hamlet maybe? Not that I have ever been a Shakespeare fan. When it comes to classical literature I am only knowledgeable about what has made its way into books and movies I loved. I…

Life is shit

Life's a bitch sometimes... but so am I! Sorry my lovelies! I've sat down a few times to write but just have not been able to finish up a post. I've started a few, but can't find the words to describe what I'm thinking. So I have taken the easy way out and utilized the…

Que Sera Sera

REDDIT WRITING PROMPT My Comment I can totally relate with this. I'm going to be 43 in a few weeks and am in the early stages of divorce. I still love my husband, but I have realized that I am not "in love" with him anymore. We have a lot of problems and it's taken…

A Decade Under the Influence

“Why we are still together; a story of procrastination complacency and denial” The other night, shortly after finishing up the last entry I wrote, I got in a fight with the hubby. I have mentioned our toxic cycle of addiction, enabling and petty revenge ~ i.e.: he gets drunk, I get mad so I go…