Fucking bastard

That asshole, arrogant, pretentious, condescending fucking prick. Fuck him. Yep. First of the many many mistakes that I have made in my choices of partners. The infamous and much blogged about fucker that I considered my first love, my weakness, my true love, love of my life, my favorite mistake and etc etc Again he…

Fuck it. Just fuck it all

I don't know what is wrong with me or what I could have done different so that all this fuckin shit would just be over. I wish I could tell you that this past year has not been a great big disaster, an entire year of wasted time and wasted intentions. After the latest holiday…

What in the hell am I doing?

How can I still be so completely fucking stupid after all these years? What is wrong with me that no matter what I do I am always fucking up my life in some way? I'm sure you're all wondering what the hell I'm raving on about. Well loyal readers and followers of my path of…

How I hate this game…

Fucking men will be the death of me. Or at least my sanity Of course the man most annoying me right now is the beloved and ever frustrating side bitch aka the arrogant pretentious, moody asshole first love. So talking to the fucker tonight as usual. Nothing serious or important, all was fine in our…


"You can be questioning, curious, and probing, often aware of the underlying motivations behind people's actions.However, there is difficulty getting this energy properly harnessed so that it doesn't work against you. Holding onto memories of some old crisis can make you suspicious so you may become manipulative as a way to stay one-up on others.…