Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day!!

So had this big, long post going over on Reddit and the damn battery died before I finished and posted. It was one of those posts in the unsent letter community.  Of course it was to my SB, which now stands for Side Bitch along with Stupid Bastard and Stubborn Asshole. I like that better…

Sounds scary

This individual has listened to way too much Eminem or he is talking about his golden retriever "Randomly running away from me at parks" Uhm that doesn't sound like a good relationship to me. That sounds like a kidnapping Seriously...

God damn this noise inside my head..

It won't give up, it wants me dead... god damn this noise inside my headNIN Originally posted in "unsent letters" To the one I can't forget No matter what I do. What I say. I can't escape you. I've tried. I've tried for so long I can't remember a time when you weren't there. When…