How one special, super secret phrase is guaranteed to make him desire you more than any other woman.. limited time low price of just $100! Includes Special Bonus book; “5 easy text messages to win his heart” and a 30 minute consultation with a personal mentor chosen just for you.

Every single website scam for the heartbroken

New Blog Segment… maybe?

We shall see, I make no promises!

I am bored with my life and since I have absolutely nothing interesting to write about… but I still want to keep my blog active and provide new content for the people who do bother reading 

SO! I decided instead of a #wordprompt entry, I should do posts on one of those cheesy #motivationquotes from Facebook or random ass shit from Reddit or Twitter. 

What can I say I’m bored?


Ok and intoxicated and feel like writing!

So what?


 I call this one the #sappylovememesprompt

Quite Perfect


Let’s see what the definition of Quite Perfect is.

* apologizing – good start. Admitting that they were wrong or at least lying and pretending is important. I do enjoy being right.
* working hard – .That’s definitely good but this seems to imply you want a man with money. What if he’s working really hard on his star trek collection? Do you pass over someone who you love based on financial status?
* being funny – honestly I don’t have an argument with this. Sense of humor is definitely a requirement
* making an effort to understand me. Whatever the hell that means? Understand why I get annoyed when he disappears for a few days? Understand why my best friends are off limits? Or understand that I will never be good at sports and I will never, ever like Wild Turkey cuz of the time when I was maybe 14 and puked for days after drinking a bottle stolen from some kids’ parents. What constitutes making an effort?

Oh and kissing me on my forehead. Wow
This is definitely a new one, have never seen this in any other of the thousands of love and relationships advertised.

I do not think that any man has ever really made a habit of kissing my forehead. I guess that is the reason why all those past relationships were doomed? They obviously didn’t love me enough to kiss my forehead. Which, FTR, it’s a perfectly normal forehead, quite cute and kissable..or not I guess.


I’m still trying to figure out what Quite Perfect means. Did they mean NOT Quite Perfect but ran out of room? Is it new millennial slang that I’m too old to understand?

I will likely never know.

So here it is faithful and constant readers. Hope this helps in the quest to find you a Quite Perfect Man.

Hope you enjoyed the first and possibly only entry in the #sappylovememesprompt series!

<insert witty farewell here>

Till next time!

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