Life is shit

Life's a bitch sometimes... but so am I! Sorry my lovelies! I've sat down a few times to write but just have not been able to finish up a post. I've started a few, but can't find the words to describe what I'm thinking. So I have taken the easy way out and utilized the…

How old is to old to rebel against life?

Is it too late in life to go through another goth girl phase? At what age is it no longer socially acceptable to wear too much black eyeliner, dye your hair black, wear black nail polish and big black combat boots with ripped up fishnets. Maybe I should start a new blog. A totally emo…

Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day!!

So had this big, long post going over on Reddit and the damn battery died before I finished and posted. It was one of those posts in the unsent letter community.  Of course it was to my SB, which now stands for Side Bitch along with Stupid Bastard and Stubborn Asshole. I like that better…