How fickle is woman

Oh Rhett, you are the standard for the man of my dreams Stories from your local Whore of Babylon I've been a bad bad girl. I decided that it was just not complicated enough to be in a marriage that is over and involved with the one person that has the ability to break my…

What in the hell am I doing?

How can I still be so completely fucking stupid after all these years? What is wrong with me that no matter what I do I am always fucking up my life in some way? I'm sure you're all wondering what the hell I'm raving on about. Well loyal readers and followers of my path of…

To sleep, perchance to dream?

It's not my usual lyrical song quote but still quite famous and rather fitting for the post. It's Shakespeare I believe, Hamlet maybe? Not that I have ever been a Shakespeare fan. When it comes to classical literature I am only knowledgeable about what has made its way into books and movies I loved. I…

A year later…

Looking back I started blogging again about a year ago. I initially wanted to start a podcast, I thought that might be easier than writing. Wrong!! Recording my thoughts was a disaster. I thought editing blogs was bad, shit, it's nothing compared to trying to edit voice recordings. So I ditched the first blog but…

2022’s Top 10 Songs

YouTube Music was nice enough to compile a list of my top songs of 2022! Both Sides Now - Judy Collins Not sure why this song was stuck in my head for most the year? It's something my mom listened to when she was a fucking kid! But for some reason, I have felt almost…

Love the way you lie…

Unlike our good friend Rihanna, I actually do not love the way you lie asshole. On the other hand I do seem to enjoy living a lie. I know, I've gone on and on about my problems. Blah blah blah. Poor little girl, still waiting for someone to take care of her... Lucky for me,…