How fickle is woman

Oh Rhett, you are the standard for the man of my dreams Stories from your local Whore of Babylon I've been a bad bad girl. I decided that it was just not complicated enough to be in a marriage that is over and involved with the one person that has the ability to break my…

To the girl who never listens!

What advice would you give to your teenage self? That's a tough one! See, I know me. Teenage Sami was convinced she knew everything and would most likely laugh and ignore any attempt to tell her different. On one hand teenage me did have a pretty good idea of what she wanted out of life…

Quite Perfect

How one special, super secret phrase is guaranteed to make him desire you more than any other woman.. limited time low price of just $100! Includes Special Bonus book; "5 easy text messages to win his heart" and a 30 minute consultation with a personal mentor chosen just for you. Every single website scam for…