To sleep, perchance to dream?

It's not my usual lyrical song quote but still quite famous and rather fitting for the post. It's Shakespeare I believe, Hamlet maybe? Not that I have ever been a Shakespeare fan. When it comes to classical literature I am only knowledgeable about what has made its way into books and movies I loved. I…

A year later…

Looking back I started blogging again about a year ago. I initially wanted to start a podcast, I thought that might be easier than writing. Wrong!! Recording my thoughts was a disaster. I thought editing blogs was bad, shit, it's nothing compared to trying to edit voice recordings. So I ditched the first blog but…

It never fucking ends. never.

I've been playing with the idea of divorce the past year. I've told him numerous times how unhappy I was, that I wanted to split up. At least a separation! But I was weak. See, he just pretends that all the conversations never happened. That everything is okay and I didn't tell him the night…

Twas the night before… the Apocalypse!!

Kidding. Unfortunately 😉 Twas the night before Christmas 🎄 And all through the house 🏡 All the demons were fiending 😈Drugs were their vice ⚖️ Hmmm.  That's pretty damn poetic in my opinion. Maybe writing poetry is going to be my new fantasy career? A new get rich quick scheme for 2023? Maybe this is it!?! I'll…