What notable things happened today?

I read some recent blog posts. It reminded me of the times when I used to get completely fucking wasted and just had to call everyone at 3am and tell them how much I luuurrrved them and how we should hang out more…

Which leads to every writers biggest decision? To edit or not to edit… that is the question!

That transcendent feeling brought on by copious amounts of narcotics, alcohol and lack of sleep does not always translate well into written word. Though that’s not always the case, some rather famous books and songs have been written under the influence.

Is it wrong to edit the grammar and spelling, or to alter the sentence structure so it flows in a more pleasing manner? Does it take away from what it was intended to say? The way it was meant to be? Is it ok to edit your thoughts?

At what point does it cross the line from correcting grammar to revising the entire meaning of the sentence?

So that leads to my dilemma. Should I edit any of my recent posts? The few I transferred over from my old blog are edited and I had such a problem with one post. Good lord I had done so many revisions it no longer even resembled the original post. The point of this is more of a personal blog than an award winning saga. I should try and keep it as close to the truth as possible. Editing let’s you gloss over the mistakes, rewrite the icky parts.

Running from my mistakes has gotten me no where. Ignoring reality is not working. I can’t go back and edit the past 15 years no matter how much I want to. Pretending that everything is okay does not mean everything is okay.

They say history is written by the victor…

They also say those who forget the past doomed to repeat it…

Sounds like we’re fucked either way IMO

One thought on “The natural progression of Drunk Dialing… The Rising Popularity of Drunk Blogging

  1. You take writing seriously. I feel Grammar is not indispensable if you have transcended it. If you feel comfortable in your skin you can let it flow and even invent and coin but to be unaware of it and to disregard learning is an altogether different matter. If merely Grammar and Punctuation discourages you from expressing yourself then it’s failure of Grammar and Punctuation: not your failure. Fundamental right is to express yourself and secondary is to express yourself well and to polish your craft on the go.


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