What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

This is super easy to answer and super fucking complicated to actually do.


Separation from my husband

I have told him in calm sober conversations that I want a separation. I have yelled and screamed about wanting a divorce. I have cried and begged him to just move out and give me some time. I have been mean and hateful and told him I wished I had never met him.

I have rebelled and annoyed him by slacking off and not working, getting wasted and sleeping a lot. I drink his beer, spend his money and refuse to have sex. I’ve brought up sleeping around but never have (stupid morals and self respect) just implied it would be easy.

He just doesn’t listen and pretends that everything is good. I don’t know what the hell to do. Its hard arguing with denial.

Obviously it’s complicated and there’s shit I’m not mentioning … but, the not listening part is the most annoying and frustrating aspect

The challenge here is obviously making him listen and him finally moving out and letting me be free.

Free to go screw my life up in all new ways! But whatever 😉

6 thoughts on “Word Prompt for Sunday

    1. So is that sarcasm? Because trust me, getting my husband to listen and pay attention to what I say is a huge challenge. Why do you think that I want a divorce? I’ve been trying to make him understand that I am extremely unhappy and want him out since October. He just doesn’t want to accept that I am done.


  1. This is gonna sound super obvious, but it sounds like neither of you want to leave. You want him to leave, and/or he wants you to leave. But both of you want to stay wherever you are. The thing is, it’s gonna come down to which one of you wants badly enough to… give up whatever it is that’s making you stay.


    1. You’re right, we both want to stay. I really wish I could give a better explanation for why it’s not an option on why he is the one who has to move. That’s an even longer, complicated, story that I just can’t even begin to explain. But he isn’t just being stubborn, he’s ignoring the fact I am not happy and it’s over. The level of denial is crazy. I am not sure how to make it more clear to him but again, other circumstances are a factor and enables the behavior.


      1. No, I get it, and you don’t have to go into details because I’ve seen plenty of other relationships like y’all’s before with wildly different circumstances. Been in a few myself.

        But the long and the short of it is, if what you say is true and you’ve told him you’re unhappy, then he doesn’t care about your happiness. If he did, he’da left a long time ago. He’s not being ignorant. He just doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to leave (for whatever reason) and so he’s not gonna.

        You don’t want to leave (for whatever reason) so you’re not going to. And that means, you’re going to continue to be unhappy, and put that on him. And he’s going to continue to not care.

        That’s an outsider’s perspective. Make of it what you will.


      2. Oh I agree with everything. No he doesn’t care about my feelings, I know he’s not stupid despite acting like it. He’s just pretending and playing his games. It’s not so much wanting to stay. It’s being stubborn, lazy and proving his point. Again, more complicated bullshit that works out in his favor.
        Trust me. If permanently leaving were possible for me, I would be long gone. I wish it was that easy.


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